Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Rabbitry

The rabbitry got an overhaul this past weekend. All the cages came out and got pressure washed. The linoleum was taken out and sprayed thoroughly. The entire area was vacuumed. The water bottles and dishes went through the dishwasher.

A majority of my does are housed in 24x24 cages but I have six enormous 36x36x24 double cages that housed some of my does. They were taking up entirely too much room so I shifted some of my smaller does into 18x24 cages. Heaving the metal trays for those large cages has gotten the better of me and they needed to go. I bought them used a few years back. They were just single holes so I bought wire dividers and double cage doors to convert them into 2 holes. When I move they cannot go so they will be for sale.

I enjoy getting a glimpse at other people's rabbitry setups and reading about how they maintain their herd so I thought someone might enjoy hearing about mine.
My setup is in my basement which is ideal for a number of reasons:

1) The temperature stays consistent throughout the year without the added expense of air conditioning or heating units. I use only a fan to circulate the air. The fact that it is located underground helps keep the rabbits from overheating during the hot summer months.

2) Having the rabbits right below our living area desensitizes them to noises that would normally startle a rabbit.

3) Location location location: Many breeders prefer to place pet rabbits in indoor only homes because they believe a rabbit is likely to receive more attention if it is right under foot. In all honesty the same can be said about a rabbitry. A convenient location makes for better quality time spent in my opinion.

The bucks each have an 18x24 hole. They are against the wall on the right side as you walk into the basement. The does (pictured above) are further down on the left side. I keep linoleum under the entire rabbitry side of the basement to protect the floor from accidents. For lighting I use just the basic fluorescent workshop lights from Home Depot.