Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year's means new babies!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rabbit Hill's Surfer Boy

Trio's Jenna
(above and below)

(above and below)

Friday, September 26, 2008
Moving and Tort vs Color- Round 3

Lastly is my tort vs color challenge in which I fully intended to follow through. Instead it flopped. My intent was to show the obvious quality difference between the tort and color juniors that I had coming up. The little blue jr buck above is approximately 14 weeks old. He and his blue sister are the keepers out of that experiment. Ironically enough they happen to be the last offspring I was able to pull from Royce before he passed. This little buck is just starting to come into his own and I'm real happy with his development. His sister is more brood but just as valuable in the lineage area.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tort vs. Color -Round 2-
The tort appears to be a doe and gets a 10 across the board in the personality category. Her bone is longer and more refined than the other kits. Given the time of year the ears tend to be longer from the heat so that is disregarded at this stage but hers are nicely shaped. She is naturally upright.

Kit #2
Another buck! Another example of what I like to see in my four week olds. He is beefy all over with short bone a naturally upright pose, and a cheeky little pout. The ear is slightly more pointed than desired but that may turn out to be the worst thing about him.

Kit #3
And yet another buck. This is one color I was excited to see show up because of it's rarity in my herd. I hope to see his confidence grow because he looks promising. He has an adorable head and ear that is nicely shaped. He has a short body and decent bone. It is not quite as chunky as the blues brothers above but more so than the tort/bkn cream litter.
I would most definately give this round to the blues!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Highlights from VT

Above: The river that ran through the backside of our campsite where the dogs spent much of their time.

Everywhere I turned there was picture just waiting to be taken.
Above: In the left side of the photo you can see an old beaver dam.
Below: We stumbled into what must have been dragonfly mating season because these friendly little bugs took quite a liking to us and eachother. As I'm trying to photograph this one I had four more that had landed on my arm and head.
The only thing this fence and daisies was missing was a picture frame around it.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Rabbitry

I enjoy getting a glimpse at other people's rabbitry setups and reading about how they maintain their herd so I thought someone might enjoy hearing about mine.
My setup is in my basement which is ideal for a number of reasons:
1) The temperature stays consistent throughout the year without the added expense of air conditioning or heating units. I use only a fan to circulate the air. The fact that it is located underground helps keep the rabbits from overheating during the hot summer months.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Wild Cousins