I'm not a fan of websites or blogs that don't update on a semi regular basis- of course taking into consideration this is a hobby for most folks who update as spare time allows.
Shame on me as I've been the one to go months in between updates or blog posts recently. I believe the word for that is hypocrite??
Not to point fingers or make excuses but anyone who has visited my website in recent months has heard about my move to Tennessee. In preparation for what seemed to be a fast approaching move I put a halt on all things rabbit related and although I will still be moving the date is still to be determined so, GAME ON!
I bred a few does the other day- one of which I've never succeeded in getting bred even though she will allow herself to be bred, she never kindles. Another of which is a first timer who I was holding out to enter in a couple shows which never happened.
Lastly is my tort vs color challenge in which I fully intended to follow through. Instead it flopped. My intent was to show the obvious quality difference between the tort and color juniors that I had coming up. The little blue jr buck above is approximately 14 weeks old. He and his blue sister are the keepers out of that experiment. Ironically enough they happen to be the last offspring I was able to pull from Royce before he passed. This little buck is just starting to come into his own and I'm real happy with his development. His sister is more brood but just as valuable in the lineage area.